USCG Auxiliary Blue Logo District 7 Coastal Regional
Division 9, Flotilla 9-6
Wiggens Pass, Florida


How to Join

Boating Safety Classes

Vessel Safety Checks

Kids Only


Member Links


National Auxiliary Website

District CR 7 Website

Division 9 Website

Privacy Policy Disclaimer

Last Updated: 06/13/09




 Benefits of Membership


Members of our Flotilla receive the world’s finest on-the-water and class-room training.  Courses in navigation, seamanship, communications, weather, patrols, and search and rescue are available through our Flotilla, and additional training is available through other Coast Guard organizations.  Other benefits of membership include access to the Coast Guard Credit Union, Exchanges, and insurance programs.  We take pride in wearing our Coast Guard Auxiliary uniforms and in our Awards and Recognition Program that rewards members for their individual and team efforts.  Learning, service, and fellowship are trademarks of membership our Flotilla. 


Age and Citizenship Requirements


Membership in Flotilla 9-6 is open to citizens of the United States who are 17 years or older. 


 Contact Us


If you would like more information about becoming a member of Flotilla 9-6,  please feel free to:

·   Call or email Max LeFevre, Personnel Services Officer:

        - Phone - 239-594-8009 and leave your name and phone number, or

        - Email

·   Attend a monthly flotilla meeting at 7 P.M. on the third Wednesday of the month.


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