USCG Auxiliary Blue Logo District 7 Coastal Regional
Division 9, Flotilla 9-6
Wiggens Pass, Florida


How to Join

Boating Safety Classes

Vessel Safety Checks

Kids Only


Member Links


National Auxiliary Website

District CR 7 Website

Division 9 Website

Privacy Policy Disclaimer

Last Updated: 06/13/09



ORGANIZATION - [under development]

Administration - [text]

Operations - [text]

Logistics - [text]

Response - [text]

Prevention -  [text]


OFFICERS - [under development]

Flotilla Commander - 
Grant Skaggs
Flotilla Vice Commander -
Larry Urbanek
Past Flotilla Commander -
Max Le Fevre



As a member of the world's finest boating safety education and volunteer lifesaving    organization, welcome to your source for United States Coast Guard Auxiliary information.

By creating a member-centric website, we hope to continue to chart a new course to the future with the use of simplified, effective electronic communications.

The Members' area is designed to optimize your ability to find the information you are looking for quickly and efficiently.

As always, your first stop should be the What's New page for the very latest Auxiliary news and information.

Statements of policy or procedure provided by members of the Chief Director's Office, National Elected Officers, or Department Chiefs posted on this website should be regarded as official statements.

As with any communications tool, user feedback is important. Please feel free to contact us with any comments or constructive critiques regarding this website.

For comments or corrections on this website, please contact the Webmanager.